3 minutes read

Tenant Verification: Vital Process

Tenant screening is an essential process that landlords and property managers use to evaluate potential renters. This process typically involves checking the applicant’s credit history, criminal background, and rental history. However, Tenant Verification is a vital process of tenant screening, verifying the information provided by the applicant is really important for landlords and agents.

Listing 2 Leasing provides this service, our Verification Package ($6,99) includes calls and emails for Tenant verification of employment and current landlord as well as provides a list of calls and emails made with dates and times for your rental transactions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of verifications when doing the tenant screening process.


1. Verify Identity

Tenant Verification: Vital Process

Verifying the identity of the applicant is crucial for ensuring that the information provided is accurate. This includes verifying their name, date of birth, and social security number. Identity verification can help prevent fraud and identity theft, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.
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2. Verify Employment
Tenant Verification: Vital Process

Verifying the applicant’s employment history is important for assessing their ability to pay rent. This includes verifying their current employment status, job title, and income. Employment verification can also help confirm the stability of the applicant’s income, which is an essential factor when evaluating their ability to pay rent.

3. Verify Rental History
Listing 2 Leasing

Verifying the applicant’s rental history can help landlords and property managers assess their reliability as a tenant. This includes verifying their past rental addresses, rent amounts, and lease terms. Rental history verification can also help identify any potential red flags, such as late payments or property damage.

4. Verify References

Listing 2 Leasing

Verifying the references provided by the applicant can help landlords and property managers get a better sense of their character and rental history. This includes contacting previous landlords, employers, or personal references. Reference verification can help confirm the information provided by the applicant and identify any potential red flags.

5. Verify Criminal History

Doing the Tenant verification of criminal history is essential for ensuring the safety and security of the property and other tenants. This includes checking for any criminal convictions or arrests. Criminal history verification can help identify any potential safety concerns and help landlords and property managers make informed decisions about who to rent to.

In conclusion, verifications are a critical component of the tenant screening process. By verifying the identity, employment history, rental history, references, and criminal history of the applicant, landlords and property managers can reduce the risk of renting to bad tenants and ensure the safety and security of their property.

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