3 minutes read

Tenant Screening in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped various aspects of our lives, including how we approach tenant screening in the rental industry. With health and safety concerns taking center stage, landlords and property managers have had to adapt their screening processes to ensure responsible and effective tenant selection. In this blog post, we’ll explore how tenant screening has evolved in the post-pandemic world and how Listing 2 Leasing, an online tenant screening service, can assist landlords in this changing landscape.


Enhanced Health and Safety Screening


Tenant Screening in a Post-Pandemic World


In a post-pandemic world, health and safety have become paramount. Landlords are increasingly considering the health history of prospective tenants to ensure they do not pose a risk to other residents.

Listing 2 Leasing can help landlords incorporate health and safety screening questions into their tenant application process. This can include inquiries about recent travel, exposure to COVID-19, and compliance with public health guidelines.


Virtual Showings and Tours


Listing 2 Leasing


Social distancing and lockdowns forced the real estate industry to pivot to virtual showings and tours. This trend continues as a way to minimize physical contact.


Income Verification Challenges



Many individuals faced financial hardships during the pandemic, making income verification more critical than ever. Landlords need to ensure that tenants have stable financial situations.

Listing 2 Leasing offers robust income verification services, including employment verification and income documentation checks, helping landlords make informed decisions about prospective tenants’ financial stability.


Adherence to Fair Housing Laws



Even in a post-pandemic world, it’s essential to maintain strict adherence to fair housing laws and regulations, which prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, gender, disability, and other protected characteristics.

We provide resources and tools that help landlords ensure their tenant screening processes remain compliant with fair housing laws, minimizing legal risks.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about lasting changes in the rental industry, and tenant screening is no exception. Landlords and property managers must adapt to these new realities while maintaining a balance between tenant safety and fair housing practices. With Listing 2 Leasing’s online tenant screening services, landlords have access to the tools and resources needed to navigate these challenges and make informed decisions when selecting tenants in the post-pandemic world.



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