3 minutes read

Evaluating Pet Owners in Tenant Screening: Risks & Benefits

As a landlord, considering pet owners in your tenant screening process requires striking a delicate balance between the potential risks and benefits. Allowing pets can attract a larger pool of applicants and create a more desirable rental property. However, it also introduces additional considerations related to property damage, noise, and potential liability. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of evaluating pet owners in tenant screening and how to strike the right balance.

Evaluating Pet Owners in Tenant Screening: Risks & Benefits


Prospective Benefits of Pet-Friendly Rentals


Opening your rental property to pet owners can offer several advantages. Firstly, it expands your potential tenant pool, increasing the chances of finding qualified applicants. Pet-friendly rentals are particularly appealing to responsible pet owners who have limited housing options due to their furry companions. By welcoming pets, you can differentiate your property in a competitive market and potentially command higher rent.


Establishing Pet Policies and Agreements


To mitigate risks and ensure a positive experience for all parties, establish clear pet policies and agreements. These documents should outline the type and number of pets allowed, size restrictions, breed limitations (if applicable), and any additional pet-related fees or deposits. Include provisions that hold tenants responsible for any pet-related damages or disturbances.


Requesting Pet References and History


During tenant screening, request references from previous landlords specifically related to pet ownership. Inquire about the pet’s behavior, any issues encountered, and how the tenant addressed them. A responsible pet owner will likely have a positive history of caring for their pets and respecting the rental property.


Conducting Property Inspections


Perform thorough property inspections before and after each tenancy to assess any pet-related damages. During inspections, look for signs of pet-related wear and tear, such as scratches on floors or furniture. These inspections will help you track the condition of your property and determine whether the tenant is fulfilling their responsibilities as a pet owner.


Liability and Insurance Considerations


Discuss liability and insurance considerations with your property insurance provider. Some insurers may have specific requirements or restrictions regarding pet ownership in rental properties. Inform your tenants about the importance of obtaining renters’ insurance that covers pet-related incidents. This ensures that both parties are protected in case of unforeseen accidents or damages.


Evaluating pet owners in tenant screening involves carefully assessing potential risks and benefits. By implementing clear pet policies and agreements, requesting pet references, conducting property inspections, and addressing liability and insurance concerns, you can create a pet-friendly rental environment that balances the needs of both tenants and landlords. At Listing 2 Leasing, we understand the significance of evaluating pet owners in tenant screening and can assist you in making informed decisions that align with your property management goals.



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