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Common Tenant Screening Mistakes: Tips for Landlords

As a landlord or property manager, tenant screening is one of the most important steps in ensuring that you have reliable and responsible tenants in your properties, and Listing 2 Leasing understands it. However, even experienced landlords can make mistakes during the screening process that can lead to problematic tenants. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some of the most common tenant screening mistakes and offer tips on how to avoid them.

1. Not Screening at All

  Common Tenant Screening Mistakes: Tips for Landlords

Perhaps the biggest mistake a landlord can make is not screening tenants at all. While it may be tempting to skip the screening process in an effort to save time and money, this can lead to serious consequences down the line. Unscreened tenants may have a history of late rent payments, evictions, or criminal activity, which can put your property and other tenants at risk.

Tip: Always screen potential tenants thoroughly, including running background and credit checks, verifying employment and income, and checking references, remember that Listing 2 Leasing will do this for you.

2. Relying Too Much on Credit Scores

Common Tenant Screening Mistakes: Tips for Landlords

While credit scores can be a helpful tool in assessing a tenant’s financial stability, they shouldn’t be the only factor you consider. A low credit score doesn’t necessarily mean that a tenant won’t be reliable, and a high credit score doesn’t guarantee that they will be.

Tip: Look beyond credit scores and also consider other factors, such as rental history, employment stability, and references from past landlords, with Listing 2 Leasing you will obtain all this information with the Verification Package.

3. Failing to Verify Information

Listing 2 Leasing

It’s not uncommon for tenants to lie or exaggerate on their rental applications, which is why it’s important to verify all the information they provide. Failing to do so can lead to tenants who don’t actually meet your requirements or who are hiding problematic past behavior.

Tip: Verify all information provided by the tenant, including employment, income, rental history, and references. With Listing 2 Leasing you won’t worry about this, we will do it for you if you choose our Verification Package.

4. Ignoring Red Flags

Listing 2 Leasing

During the screening process, it’s important to keep an eye out for any red flags that may indicate a problematic tenant. These can include things like gaps in employment, previous evictions, or criminal convictions.

Tip: Take red flags seriously and don’t ignore them. If you have concerns about a potential tenant’s background or behavior, ask our Listing 2 Leasing team to request more documentation or make follow-up questions or consider choosing a different tenant.

5. Violating Fair Housing Laws

Fair housing laws are in place to protect tenants from discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, and disability status. Violating these laws can result in legal and financial consequences for landlords and property managers.

Tip: Educate yourself on fair housing laws and ensure that your screening process is unbiased and fair to all applicants. Don’t ask questions about a tenant’s race, religion, or other protected characteristics.


By avoiding these common tenant screening mistakes, you can ensure that you have reliable and responsible tenants in your properties. A thorough screening process is well worth the time and effort it takes to implement, as it can save you a great deal of trouble and headaches in the long run. Listing 2 Leasing is really interested in making things easier for you.


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